why am still surfing net?!
supposed to be preparing for my coming exam..
am panic when I face all the books. I even phobia with all the books.. :(
when facing them, I even fall into sleep...
How can I passed this sub if I were to continue this attitude?!
GOD,pls help me! :)
anyway, dad got his car on friday.
I managed to took pic with C5 at the 15 last min..*cool*
I gotta missed him and I felt unwilling to dispose that car.lol
Usually when dad bought a new car, he'll definately fetch me go makan makan again..unfortunately, this time seems different.
Parents were away to eeeepohhh as well as penang to honey-moon simultanesouly doing business there.*loevely couple huh?!, they are now too enjoy and yet to forget the three children larh* Hence, I dun get the chance to sit in the New car..
when they are back, I'll have to attend my ji mui'21st bdae party..
good new is I'm actually waiting for that day to come,
bad new is my exam falls on that day larh..*pity me!*
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