am too free to be a poser :)
Holi gotta end so soon and am too greedy to ask for more.I know is impossible unless Dareomon is with me! :D
On the other hand, holi aint fun and it makes me feel lonely as day passed...
Why am I have that thoughts,gosh!
I usually being alone in house especially during noon and in the house is ONLY LEFT MEEE ALONE WITHOUT ANYONE*if dad went out-station,it would be the case*
and i was wondering this few days...
I've never been shopping as compared to those day..
just staying at home for whole day,whole week,not a month of course.I wouldnt survive if my whole life would be that nerd, bore, and bla bla bla..
Let me think through what have I been doing all this while?
I started to have a healthy life first of all.
Hmmm, was watching drama series using laptop,cant ignore that am still watching those out-dated drama like "huayang"*cos those are in laptop*
nevertheless, i watched wars of in-law II when sista was here with me in malaysia. not to admit that I love romantic stories ;p
i spent most of the time especially watching HK movies. I'm actually hunger for the movie so-called The Seventh Day. *am too out-dated* oh well, am actually half way watching... I love both actors adn actresses ever since they too matched with one another in the movie, under the canopy of love.haha..
Still, I've not done something that I supposed...
I still seeking for some jobs apparently..
Hope to get jobs that could neva lose so muchhh of my confident!
I was speechless regarding the last job that I worked in Courts Mammoth!
Oh,$%@#*^$%^% I could pretend and wouldnt cry in front of ppl. I can still hold my tears even the turbulent situation.
Somehow, I'm different in this case.
I was scolded by the one of the STAFF in courts mammoth!? He's merely a staff,come on!! He did yelled and shouted a loud to me..
I stunned standing in front of him and allowing him to I losing my brain?!How can I still standing there radiculous!
and hastily, my fren brought me away from him.
I seriously dont know what am I supposed to do and am totally lost...
Buttt, I must be strong and bold at that momment, I told myself.
I cant hide my expression i guess, and the fren saw it...
gosh!how embrassed I am! my fren approached me and telling me wasnt my fault and bla bla bla..He's trying to comfort me though we knew each other only 2days.
My tears nearly gushed out at that momment, and he was looking at me shockly. @.@
Still, I managed to hold back.muahahha.I started to count and keep looking at my watch, what time I supposed to be back,haha..
I return a key to one of the staff and trying to aviod of seeing the STAFF that scolded me just now. thank God that I didnt see him..
BUTTTTTTT,you neva know that I saw him right after I came out from the lif.! I was too embrassed and panic in a seconds,asking myself what am I supposed to do now?!oh man!!!
Immediately he apologizes to me and I said is okay, and I quickly went out.:D
That's the ending of my work. I gain loads experince from working. I wish I would be a tough person and my holi would be wonderful at the same time :p
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